Aiming is an integral part of Counter-Strike 2, and training it should be a primary focus if you’re looking to climb the competitive ranks. There are many components to having good aim, and it’s not easy to tell exactly what parts you should focus on. In this blog post, we’ll be going over the best ways to train your aim in CS2.
What parts of aim should you focus on?
When we think of aiming in FPS games, we can boil it down to a few primary components, namely:
- Tracking
- Flick aim
- Crosshair placement
- Counter-strafing
In Counter-Strike, we’re really only concerned with 3 of those. Counter-strafing, crosshair placement and flick aim are the 3 core parts of aiming in CS. You seldom have to track enemies with your crosshair. Each of these can be trained all at the same time, or individually.

Flick aim is pretty self explanatory; it’s your ability to quickly put your crosshair onto a target. The other two, crosshair placement and counter-strafing, are much less straightforward. Crosshair placement is the process of putting your point of aim where you anticipate an enemy will be, before they’re there. Counter-strafing is a movement technique where you stop moving quickly in order to shoot accurately.
How to train your aim
There are a laundry list of methods to train your aim in CS2. So many in fact, it may be a bit overwhelming, especially for the average player.
Play Deathmatch

Deathmatch is a good way to train your aim in CS2. There are plenty of free, public servers available. You can also play the integrated Deathmatch gamemode, however some may find things like the deathcam length and spawn frequency to be too low. Deathmatch is all about getting into as many aim duels as possible quickly, and is usually used as a way to warmup. It may not help you improve as fast as some of the other methods available, due to some of these duels being unrealistic compared to normal 5v5 gameplay.
Use Refrag’s Xfire to practice your aim
Refrag’s Xfire training mode is an excellent way to train all three of those core components of aim. Xfire is a cross between Refrag’s Crossfire mode and a standard Prefire mode. The resulting experience is one that tasks players with learning proper pathing and crosshair placement.
Xfire gives you aim duels that you’ll encounter quite often in normal gameplay, making your training translate better to real scenarios.
Using Refrag Routines to enhance your practice
Another way to level up your aim quickly is by using Refrag Routines. Follow along with your favorite CS2 pros and community members by using their personalized warmup routines.

One of our favorites is a routine from EliGE, a professional CS2 player currently playing for Complexity. If you want a good place to start your journey with Refrag Routines, start there!
Consistency is key!
You won’t improve very quickly if you don’t practice consistently. Deathmatching everyday can certainly help, but using Refrag’s suite of practice modes is a way to fast-track your improvement. By using code aimguide you can save 15% off of your Refrag Subscription. Whether it’s your aim, utility usage, or strategy, Refrag offers best-in-class training solutions for every part of your game.