Mirage. A map so regularly played it might as well have its name changed to ‘Home’. It is the ubiquitous Counter-Strike map, played constantly in Premier, Competitive, Faceit, Deathmatch, and more. Doubtless, many of you will consider yourself Mirage demons, but for those of you who need a little refresher on some of the finer points of this time-tested battleground, we’re going to take a look at six of the most important pieces of utility for you to commit to memory. Without any further ado, let’s do what we’ve done so many times before, and jump into our latest Utility Secrets article – Mirage.
Window Smoke
We start with possibly the most commonly-learned smoke in the entire of Counter-Strike. Many people know it, many people miss it. Of course, there are a number of instant Window smokes you can learn (perhaps a new utility article on those will be coming soon…) but today we’re going to show you the default Window smoke, so you can guarantee the ability to throw it no matter where you spawn.
Firstly, you’re going to need to get stuck into this corner of the bin:

Next, you’re going to want to look at the corner of the detailing on the wall, as shown below:

Now, here’s the part that needs practice. Once you’re looking at the corner, you need to hold the D key. Once your crosshair begins to slowly move, jumpthrow whilst still holding D. It might sound complicated, but trust us – get some reps in on a NADR server and you’ll be throwing it faultlessly in no time.

Connector Smoke
To continue with our Mid take, we’re going to show you an easy Connector smoke from the exact same lineup spot. So, get yourself stuck in the same corner as before. Then, look at the cross-section of the antenna as shown here:

And simply jumpthrow, for a perfect Con smoke.

Stairs Smoke
Now we move over to the A bomb site. Naturally, there are a fair few pieces of utility that you ought to learn for an effective site execute, but as we’re limited on time today we’ve gone for two of the most important ones: the Stairs smoke, and the Bench smoke. Let’s jump in.
First, get yourself lined up in the center of the vertical beam, as shown here:

This is going to be your lineup spot for both smokes. For the stairs smoke, you’re going to position your crosshair here:

And jumpthrow.
Bench Smoke
For the bench smoke, it’s the exact same lineup, but a W+Jumpthrow. It couldn’t be easier!
Here’s the end result of both smokes:

Market Window Smoke
We’ve taken control of mid, and cut off the A bombsite. It’s only natural, then, that we end this article on the B site. For our penultimate piece of utility, we’re going to look at a simple Market Window smoke.
Firstly, get yourself lined up here:

Next, position your crosshair on the dark mark on the crenellation as shown below:

Now it’s just a simple Jumpthrow.

Short Smoke
Finally, for the Short smoke, you’re going to get stuck into the same corner as before. Once you’re ready to throw your util, position your crosshair as shown, on the corner of the tower.

Then simply Left-Click throw. Boom, you have the perfect Short smoke!

So, we’ve run through two of the most useful smokes on Mid, A Site, and B Site on Mirage. Your teammates will thank you! As always, if you need to practice the utility mentioned in our Utility Secrets series, or learn some new util of your own, load up a NADR server and get grinding! Use code utilitysecrets15 for 15% off your initial Refrag subscription!