Mar 1st, 2025

Force Buy Strategy – What gear to buy when low on cash in CS2

Sometimes, things don’t go to plan in Counter-Strike. You emptied the piggy bank, brought out the big guns, but didn’t manage to get the round win. So what now? Do you buy light and preserve your economy for next round? Or do you double down in an attempt to try and break your opponent?

Force buy strategy is key in CS2. Knowing what to buy and how to utilize budget weaponry is imperative to securing round wins when you need them most. In this blog post, we’ll go over exactly how to use certain force buy weaponry, and what to buy for certain positions.

When do you force buy?

When your opponents have 12 round wins, every round turns into a force buy.

Calculating when to force up is risky business. It’s not always cut and dry, and there’s not a “one size fits all” approach to this. Typically, force buys are done in an effort to get a leg up economically on an opponent who may be on the ropes themselves, or as a last ditch effort in must-win rounds, where saving wouldn’t make sense. For example, there’s no use saving in the last few rounds of the game if you won’t reap enough funds from kills and loss bonus to get a proper full buy. 

There’s also a grey area; sometimes the best choice is somewhere in-between. The next round isn’t a must win, but it doesn’t quite make sense to fully save, so spending between $700-$1200 makes more sense. You could squeeze an extra piece of utility next to an upgraded pistol or SMG. This scenario is something to consider when you have a chance to break the opponent’s economy. The enemy team may have just won the round, but had very few players left alive, meaning they have to empty their bank to rebuy. Your chances of winning the round are quite low in a full save, but with just a few upgraded pistols, SMGs and armor, you give yourself a puncher’s chance at the very least.

The right tool for the job makes all the difference, so considering what type of weapon to buy is important when you’re intending to force up.


EliGE Discusses the XM1014 in this video

Shotguns are deadly inside a couple meters, but don’t have much utility outside of that. You should attempt to play close angles that are difficult to clear and avoid large, open areas. Because of the defensive nature of playing CT side, shotguns have more use than they do on the T side, where you’re initiating fights that typically happen at longer ranges than a shotgun allows.

CT side options include the MAG-7 or XM1014 if you can afford it. It’s best to avoid purchasing shotguns on the T side, but if you do, the XM1014 is the best option available.

Examples of some positions where shotguns are viable include Top Hut on Nuke, Top Banana on Inferno, and basically anywhere you can get close without being seen.


SMGs can be extremely effective against rifle wielding opponents at close range due to their fast fire rate, and low movement speed penalty. Staying mobile while fighting is key to using SMGs properly because of their high running accuracy. Best reserved for those entering into a bomb site first, players who buy the SMG should be looking for close-medium range duels where they have little distance to close.

On the T side, the MAC-10 is incredibly effective in creating space with its fast movement speed and high rate of fire. The CT equivalent, the MP9, has an even faster rate of fire, and is one of the best SMGs in the game because of its low price. The MP7/MP5 aren’t viable as budget options due to their higher price, and while the UMP-45 has seen light adoption in the last few months in professional play, its low magazine size and low rate of fire make it a second class option.


The Tec-9 can be deadly at close range.

Pistols are the cheapest option for a primary weapon on force-buy rounds, and when used correctly, they can afford players some of the best value out of any weapon in the game. Pistols often have low movement speed penalty and low damage. They can range from the fast firing and versatile Tec-9, all the way to the venerable hand cannon of the Desert Eagle.

As far as the unique options go for both factions, the Five-Seven is a decent value at $500, with high damage for a pistol caliber, high magazine capacity, and relatively high running accuracy, you have options when wielding it. The aforementioned T side exclusive, the Tec-9, is incredibly dangerous while moving. It’s near 100% accurate first bullet while running means you’re still a potent rush threat, even against a rifle. Both factions have an effective pistol option that is unique to them. You may be tempted to buy the Dual Berettas for their high magazine size and high accuracy, but the armor penetration just isn’t high enough to deal with those players who are wearing armor. Avoid buying the Dualies when up against a full buy.

The most dangerous pistol in the game will always be the Deagle. One shot potential paired with high accuracy makes a recipe that is incredibly lethal when in the right hands. Out of all the weapons on this list, there are few as versatile as the Desert Eagle, but there are also few that are as difficult to use. If you can use it effectively, it’s almost never a bad purchase when forcing. If your Deagle ability is lacking, stick to the higher capacity upgraded pistols.

2nd tier rifles

The FAMAS and Galil can give you performances almost as good as the main rifles.

Depending on your economic situation and the position you play, it may be worthwhile to forgo the purchase of utility and prioritize firepower with the purchase of a FAMAS or Galil. These 2nd tier rifles offer the same benefits of your typical M4 or AK-47, just with slightly lower damage. Decent rate of fire with average magazine capacity and ranged ability means you won’t be at a huge disadvantage versus any given opponent in any given position.

The Scout also falls in this category. The Scout is only appropriate to use when playing the longest angles. Middle on Dust2, Anubis and Mirage are positions where the Scout thrives the most. It is effectively useless inside close range, especially on a second round force buy, where the opponents will want to get close with their SMGs.

Practice your Force Buy Weapons with Refrag

Did you know: you can change weapons in essentially any mode within Refrag?

You can hone your abilities with every weapon in the game simply by loading up your favorite practice mod, and typing dot (.) followed by the name of the weapon. For example, for the Galil, typing .galil will equip you with one.

A great way to practice with force buy weapons is to load up the Waves mode. This mode set you up vs a zombie-like scenario where you’ll quickly get overwhelmed by enemies trying to knife you if you don’t take them out fast enough.

Type .waves map-name-here within a Refrag server with the corresponding desired map name, equip the weapon you want to practice with, and you’re off to the races! Hone your Deagle prowess, your Galil spray, or even your l33t Bison skills!


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