- Added .aimusp to load aim map usp.
- Added .quickscope <(optional)mapname> to load @czaaje quickscope sets.
- Fixed crash when picking up hostages.
Arena Mods
- Fixed fps drops on inferno banana arenas.
Creator Studio
- Fixed knife disappearing.
- Fixed arenas with movement type not switching automatically to knife.
- Added smoke arena type. (.arenatype smoke)
- Bots will constantly shoot at the widest pos if its spotted, adding .cansway and .canspray with .aimoffset is necessary for randomness. (They will see it through smokes)
- Bots will reset their .aimoffset and shoot straight if they can see a real player.
- Utility goal & permanent smokes now appear during replays.
- Bots now only aim away from opponent flashes.
- Permanent smokes (.addsmoke) now works on utility arenas aswell.
- Fixed bots not getting blind when flashed.
- Added command .addsmoke to add one or multiple smokes to spawn when smoke arena starts.
- Added command .clearsmokes to remove smokes from an arena.
- Added command .testsmokes to test the smokes for selected arena.
- .countdown 1 is forced on smoke arenas due to the delay of a smoke spawning.

- Added command .prac to set practice mode.
- Added command .comp to set competitive mode. (Default)
- Added command .grid to set grid gamemode. (Default)
- Added command .headshot to set headshot gamemode. (Spawns balloons at headshot level)
- Added command .s / .start or .r to start the game.
- Added command .stop or .l to stop the game.
- Added command .nogun to strip ur weapons during practice mode. (This is default during competitive)
- Added command .effects to toggle particle effects.
- Added command .rgb <red 0-255> <green 0-255> <blue 0-255> to set color of balloons.
- Added command .disco to toggle wether or not to randomize balloon colors.
- Added command .targets <num> to set amount of targets to spawn during practice mode.
- Added command .nohud to toggle hud.
- Added command .<gun> to change your gun. (Practice only)
- Added hit miss ratio stat prints.
- Fixed game not starting once you start the mod.
- Fixed time stat not displaying properly after finishing a game.
- Added support for all maps.
- Fixed crash when changing to retakes.
- .restore <roundnum> now starts from 1 instead of 0.