- Improved server launch times
- Fixed a crash that would occur if you tried to join CT on an utility arena
- Fixed not showing replay if you were to join CT instead of T upon connecting to the server
- Fixed skipping utility cam with jump bound to mousewheel.
Creator Studio
- Added .arenateam to set team specific arenas.
- Added command .dupearena <name> to duplicate selected arena.
- Added command .dupebotgroup <name> to duplicate selected bot group.
- Added command .dupebot <index> to duplicate a bot.
- Added command .dupespawnpoint <index> to duplicate a spawn point.
- Added command .utilmode <normal/mixed/ordered> to set the way util is thrown by bots.
Normal = Bot throw their set utility as normal when they swing.
Mixed = Any bot can be assigned to any other bots utility.
Ordered = Utility will be in same order no matter what other settings are applied (Such as .swingorder). - Added command .botdisplacement to randomly displace bots around his spawn point.
- Added command .random <0-100> to spawn a random amount (percentage) of bots per arena.
- Added command .offangle <0-500> to spawn each bot at a random displacement around their original spawn point.
- Renamed command .randombots to .randombotgroups.
- Added command .presets <(optional)name> to view/set presets for loaded set, .presets DEFAULT is reserved to load the defaulted settings.
- Added command .savepreset <name> to save or update a setting preset.
- Added command .delpreset <name> to delete a setting preset.
- Fixed a bug where it would print in chat “Please wait for the current set to download/upload…” for no reason.
- Fixed .armor during pvp (Duels) for both teams
- Fixed saving incendiary grenades.
- Fixed retakes spawns on vertigo.
- Routines is now live.