Feb 20th, 2024

Refrag Updates & Patch Notes (2024-02-19)

Creator Studio:

  • You can now create movement arenas without the use of bots (Use .arenatype to change arenatypes)
  • Added command .zonetype <spawnpointindex> to cycle between zone types (Circle/Box) for specific spawn point
  • Added command .zonedraw <spawnpointindex> to draw the goal zone for specific spawn point
  • You can now create utility arenas (Use .arenatype to change arenatypes)
  • Fixed black screen issue when joining the server
  • Fixed a crash that would occur while changing maps
  • Added command .utilgoal <spawnpointindex> to set the utility goal to whatever grenade you most recently threw
  • Added command .utilgoalsize <spawnpointindex> to set the size of the utility goal
  • Added command .utilgoalreq <spawnpointindex> to set the required accuracy to complete the arena
  • Added command .utilgoalreplay <spawnpointindex> to toggle whether or not to show replay for the specific arena
  • Added command .showutilreplay to toggle whether or not to show any replays at all


  • Grenade finder .draw now has 2 steps, first draw the width of the box, then the height
  • Grenade finder is now also on live servers
  • Grenade finder now prints what type of throw you’re searching for
  • Grenade finder can no longer be instantly interrupted (To allow finding mouse1+mouse2 throws)
  • Fixed a bug where setting the height of grenade finder box would bring the box down to wherever you were aiming
  • Fixed bots not listening to mimic commands such as .duck .jump or .mimic


  • Fixed bug where bots would rotate randomly
  • Fixed crash that would occur on map change mid round
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when changing to same map

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