Apr 9th, 2024

Refrag Updates & Patch Notes (2024-04-09)

General Updates

  • Added command .aim to launch aim map in deathmatch mode
  • You can now reload the same map with .map or .<mod> <mapname> command

Creator Studio

  • Added the ability to include a replay of the arena you create by playing it back once and then setting it with .setreplay (type same command to remove it)
  • Added command .canrush to toggle bots rushing
  • Added command .setreplay to set the replay of your arena (Play the arena first then stop the arena and use .setreplay in .dev)
  • Added command .testreplay to test the replay of selected arena
  • Added command .replays to toggle whether or not you wanna display replays of arenas or not
  • Swing direction NONE bots now have .repeekreaction as their default reaction
  • Fixed .timed arenas not working
  • Bots can now get flashed
  • Bots will now dodge flashes
  • Bots now have aim speed and dodge aim speed instead of instantly locking onto their target
  • Added command .aimspeed <speed>
  • Added command .dodgespeed <speed>
  • Added command .breakvents to toggle if vents should be broken or not when arena starts
  • Added command .doorstate to toggle door states when an arena starts (Open, Closed, Destroyed)
  • Fixed .primarysecondary not working
  • Added grenade showcase cam after completing utility arenas (Same with replays)
  • Added command .replay to force showcase replay if it exists for the current arena
  • Added spray transfer arena type, automatically resets arena if you stop spraying (.arenatype spray)
  • Rushing bots no longer dodge molotovs


  • Fixed .smart elo not saving when changing from .smart to .comp/.prac


  • Command .guns now tells you how to use gun commands
  • Disabled heavy machine guns/auto snipers on public servers


  • Enabled bunny hopping
  • Added .bhop command to toggle auto bhopping
  • Fixed .cleanup removing your guns
  • .bot/.botcrouch commands now spawns a bot at your position instead of at the crosshair
  • Bot spawn commands such as .bot .botduck .botboost now spawns the bot with your equipped gun, optionally these commands now also takes a param to set their team .bot ct or .bot t
  • Added a print after typing .clear


  • Fixed .smart elo not saving when changing from .smart to .comp/.prac
  • Fixed .repeat not working as intended


  • Players now get $2050 instead of $2000 during eco rounds (This allows CT to purchase a Famas)


  • .demos or .status command now shows if a demo failed to upload because the size was too small


  • You can now manually set the bombsite for bots to defend with .setbombsite <A or B> while modifying a scenario


Como funciona


