Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will likely be aware that Train has re-entered the competitive map pool for the first time since the old CS:GO version was removed in May 2021. Replacing Vertigo, this new and ambitious version of an old Counter-Strike classic is dividing opinions, with some loving its more open, puggy style, and others frustrated at its apparent lack of…well, trains.
However you feel about the map, it is important to understand how to play it at a decent level. Today, we’re going to take a look at a handful of the most important pieces of utility, so you can load up your next Train game with confidence.
Camera Smoke
This is arguably the most important default smoke on the T-Side. It ensures that the CTs have to work for control of the A Site, and gives you room to work around it and create an execute (perhaps with the upcoming Sandwich smoke and site flashes), or simply to use it on its own to aid in a site lurk or space taking.
To start, you need to line up in the corner of this bollard. It’s an easy one to remember, as it’s the only one of the yellow bollards with a big stain on it.

Once you’re nestled into the bollard, the lineup really couldn’t be simpler. Look at the bottom corner of the roof overhang, as shown, and jumpthrow.

Boom. You have a Camera smoke. Now, if you want to work towards an A-Site execute, you can pair the smoke you’ve just learned with this next one.
Sandwich Smoke
This smoke, whilst less of a default piece for the T-Side, can be extremely useful when it comes to hitting the A-Site. It’s a perfect Sandwich smoke, allowing you to take site control in whichever manner you wish.
First, you need to get stuck into another yellow bollard. This time, it’s the bollard to the left of the graffiti on the train, as shown.

Once you’re tucked in, you need to look at a particular blemish on the wall. The lineup should look like this:

Once you’re all lined-up, this is another jumpthrow. The end result should look like this:

A Flash
Okay, you’ve got your Camera and Sandwich smokes down. Now you need a really easy, foolproof flash to help your teammates rush out of T-Con. Luckily for you, we have just the thing.
Firstly, you need to get positioned on this corner, looking at the leftmost side of the gutter, as shown.

Then, you simply look at the top-right corner of the ‘A’ sign, and jumpthrow. This is a beautiful pop-flash for the A Site, and will be netting you no end of flash-assists on your next Train outing!

B Smokes
Now you’re a veritable expert on the A Site, let’s take a quick detour and check out a couple of B smokes to get you out onto the site. This is a bit of a two-for-one deal, so count yourself lucky!
Firstly, we’re going to learn a Bottom Ramp smoke. You’re going to get lined up with the edge of the wall like this:

Then, you’re going to aim at this shadow on the floor, and simply right-click throw.

Now you’ve learned the Bottom Ramp smoke, we’re going to learn a Bomb Train smoke. Get yourself stuck in this corner of the box, as shown below.

Now, you’re going to look in the centre of the light quadrant of the trash bag, and jumpthrow.

Together, the Bottom Ramp and Bomb Train smokes will allow you to get out onto the B Site, and wreak havoc on the pressured CTs. Here’s how they look:

T-Con Smoke
Counter-Strike isn’t all about T-Sides, and to round off this article we thought we’d show you a very useful default smoke for your CT side. This is a T-Con smoke, and whilst it might sound a little bit complicated, after a few practice runs it will be easier than dominating Silvers in Competitive.
Firstly, you need to get yourself stuck in the corner, as shown below.

Once you’re nestled into the corner, you need to find the following spot for your crosshair:

Now, here’s where it gets a little bit complex. With your crosshair starting at the above position, you need to shift-walk until your crosshair hits exactly this position:

As soon as your crosshair hits that spot, jumpthrow. Give it a few practice runs until it feels natural, and you’ll have a perfect T-Con smoke to make those T-side A pops that much harder for your opponents.
So, now we’ve run through some of the most important pieces of utility for you to learn on de_train, it’s up to you to get them nailed. There’s no better way to do that than with Refrag’s NADR mode. By using code utilitysecrets15 you can save 15% off your Refrag subscription. Then, the next time you load up Train, you’ll be supporting your teammates in style!